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Category: Driving insructor training

  1. Adi Part 3 Trainees with RED refused part 3 test bookings.

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    Adi part 3 Training with RED

    It has recently come to our attention that several of the trainees who have been doing their Adi part 3 training with Red have been told that, as their training was done with the company that was put into receivership, they would not be entitled to have their Adi Part 3 test booked UNLESS they sign up for a driving school franchise with RED.

  2. Taxi war in the west midlands

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    Birmingham Council braced for a taxi war among black cab drivers!!

    A BIRMINGHAM taxi war could be looming amid fears that cabbies from across the Midlands could exploit a legal loophole to work in the city.

    Black cabs registered in other boroughs can now pick up pre-booked passengers in Birmingham following a High Court

  3. Commentary Driving

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    It really does amaze me that driving instructor trainers DO NOT get there pdi's doing commentary driving until they are on there part3!
      This is an essential part of passing the part 3 exams and needs to be started as soon as some chooses to become a driving instructor, not 2 months before they are due to sit an exam!!
    Without the commentary you cannot possible expect to give the right level of instruction on phase 1 or indeed be ahead of the pupil with what you expect them to do. Instead it becomes a history lesson....."you crossed the white line there.....You nearly hit that cars mirrors.....You should have stopped for that pedestrian"

    This is not the way to pass your part 3!!!!

    And the amount of people who train to become an instructor are not being taught this.
     If you are a pdi and your trainer is not ORDIT registered and you are not being taught on a one to one basis then perhaps it is time to think about using another trainer.
           You only get 3 attempts at the test DO not waste them!!